You’ve set up a form to gather new leads, answer customer questions, get customer feedback, or [insert what your form is for here]. This is the first step toward streamlining customer communication. Next is ensuring that your customers get prompt, personalized responses.
With Zapier, you can send a customized follow-up email for new Typeform entries. That way, your customers get an instant welcome message, customer support email, or thank you note—without adding another email response to your to-do list. Here’s how to ensure a smooth, scalable customer experience that both you and your customer will appreciate—automatically.
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Send an email for new Typeform responses
Zapier lets you create automated workflows called Zaps, which send your information from one app to another. You can create your own Zap from scratch without any coding knowledge, but we also offer quick templates to get you started.
If you’d like to start with a template, click on the Zap template below, and you’ll be taken to the Zapier editor. You’ll need to create a Zapier account if you don’t already have one. Then, follow the directions below to set up your Zap.
Set up your Typeform trigger
First, set up your trigger—the event that starts your Zap. If you’re using the Zap template, the trigger app and event will already be selected for you. Otherwise, search for and select Typeform as the trigger app and New Entry as the trigger event. Click Continue.
Connect your Typeform account, if you haven’t already, then click Continue.
For each app you connect, Zapier will ask for a general set of permissions which allows you to be flexible with your Zaps. The only actions Zapier takes on your app accounts are those a given Zap needs to accomplish what you’ve set up.
Next, select which form you want to send automatic emails for by clicking in the Form dropdown and selecting the form. Then click Continue.

Now, you need to test your trigger. Zapier will find a recently completed result from the form you selected. This will be used to set up the rest of your Zap.
If you don’t have any completed form results, create a sample result by filling out the form yourself, then test your Zap.
Once you have at least one form response, Click Test trigger. Choose one of the samples to test, then click Continue with selected record.

Set up your Gmail action
Now it’s time to set up the action—the event your Zap will perform once it’s triggered. If you’re using the Zap template, these will already be selected for you. Otherwise, search for and select Gmail as your action app and Send Email as your action event. Click Continue.

Next, connect your Gmail account if you haven’t already, then click Continue.
Now you can customize your email. First, click into the To field and select the email address pulled from your Typeform step in the dropdown. This ensures you’re sending an email to the person who just filled out your form. You also have the option to add email addresses in the Cc or Bcc fields.

Next, select your email address in the From field. You can also add a From Name. Depending on your form, you could put your own name or something like Support team.

If you want responses to go to a different email than the one in your From field, add that email address to the Reply To field.
Now, it’s time to customize the content of your email. Add the subject line of your email in the Subject field. Leave Body Type as plain.

Next, enter the copy of your email in the Body field. You can add data from your Typeform step to your email copy—like the name of the person who filled out the form and their question—by clicking in the Body field and selecting the data you’d like to include from the dropdown.

Add a signature to the end of your email by selecting the right one from the dropdown menu under the Signature field.
We have two more fields to customize. You can add an email label by choosing an option in the dropdown menu under the Label/Mailbox field. If you want to include an attachment to your email (maybe a welcome packet or sales brochure), add that in the Attachments field.

When you’re done customizing your step, click Continue.
Finally, click Test step to test your Zap. Zapier will send out an email just as you’ve set it up in your Zap. You should see the email in your sent email folder. Here’s what ours looked like.

If everything looks good, you’re ready to use your Zap. Now you can send instant emails every time a new form gets filled out!
A better experience for you and your customer
By using Zapier to automatically send an email when a form is filled out, you provide a better customer experience. Your customers get instant responses that let them know they’re a priority—without adding a bunch of email responses to your to-do list.
This article was originally published in September 2022, written by Ellie Huizenga. It was most recently updated in July 2024 by Khamosh Pathak.